Sunday, March 6, 2011

'Holy' Tamoli

Our mission for the day was to look for a church to have our catholic ceremony.  We went with our moms and our first stop was San Rafael in Rancho Bernardo.  Even though the color of the benches were a little off and it's not as new as some of the other churches, the feeling I got was very warm and cozy.  My favorite aspect was probably panels of stained glass windows of the stations of the cross.  

In case you don't know, there are lots of stipulations in order to reserve a church in the San Diego Diocese.  
For San Rafael, here's are a few rules: The bride or groom or the mother/father of the bride or groom must be a registered parishioner of San Rafael Parish for at least one year prior to the time of the first meeting with the Priest/Deacon to discuss the prospective wedding. For marriage preparation, first contact the parish office, nine months in advance to make an appointment with the Pastor, at which time the wedding date and specific time will be discussed. Wedding times are Saturdays at 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon or 2:00 p.m. There are no weddings on Sundays.
Next, we went to St. Michael in Poway and if you've ever been to Good Shepherd in Mira Mesa, this is very similar layout except smaller. 

Our moms had errands to run so we dropped then off and we were off on our own.  

Next we went to Mission Basillica San Diego de Alcala, California's first church founded in 1769.  Walking around the grounds, you can feel the history and how amazing it is to still see items like one of the bells dated back to 1802.    

Dave and I then took a little a little break and went groceries shopping at Zion then decided to go visit a church in La Jolla.  I wanted to grab some Korean food in the food court but told Dave it's getting late and we can just go to the church and eat something after since it'll be closer to dinner.  

We were around Convoy and had to take the 52 West, as we tried to get out of the inside lane, the car in front of us suddenly swerved to the left because there was a wooden crate in the middle of the lane.  We tried to do the same but were blocked in by a car driving right next to us.  We ran directly into it immediately pulled over.  There was a 3-4 inch gash on the side of our tire and liquid was leaking from under the car.  Yikes!  

Dave immediately went to work to put on the spare, what a good fiance.  A motorcycle officer pulled over a few minutes later to see if we were okay.  He reminded us that we were lucky because a flat tire is much better than a crash.  He took down our licenses plate.. asked again if we were okay and drove off.  I wonder why he had to take down our plates?

We were pretty done for the day, we didn't get to see the church in La Jolla, maybe it was a sign that it wasn't meant for us or maybe it was a sign that we should have gotten korean food hahaha either way, we went home.  

Even though this is going to be costly to replace and we can definitely use the money for our wedding, I feel very bless considering the situation.  When the tire blew out, it was still pretty bright outside, so we were able to change the tire pretty quickly.  Also, the weather has been gloomy all day and luckily it has not started rain yet, it sure did a few hours later.  Oh yeah, my spare was flat but somehow we managed to get home safe and sound.

What's the lesson for the day? Don't cry over spilled milk.  Count your blessings because it could have been much worse.     

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