Saturday, February 19, 2011


For Dave's parents 29th anniversary we went to mass at the little chapel on the Barona Resort & Casino then dinner at the Buffet.  Father Michael is a close friend to both sides of our family and has been nudging us to get marry for a while now.  His great advice whenever we visit him at Barona is "take the right (the church) before the left (casino).  

In the car, I bet Dave that when we tell Father Michael we're engaged, his response will be FINALLY! Dave didn't think he would say anything or be that surprise.   

After mass, we told him the news and of course his response was FINALLY! and proceeded to pour us cups full of red wines.  

It was a wonderful celebration that night.  Dave's parents had been married for 29 years and that's definitely commendable.  It takes a lot of love and compromise to make it this far.  We hope we can follow in our parents loving footsteps.     

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