Saturday, July 30, 2011

Church walk through

Dave and I finally meet up with the Church coordinator Helen this morning.  First, we watched a powerpoint that basically broke down all the dos and don'ts.  Such as Do:  arrive on time, Don't: get drunk in the waiting room.  HAHA see.. all the basic stuff.  
Then, we did a walk through of the church, figured where everything was going to be set up and learned of all the restrictions such as no fresh flowers on the side of the pews, where the invisible boundaries are for photographer and videographers. 
We then went to get a quick bite to eat at Cotixan then rushed back to watch the wedding that was taking place at 2pm.  We didn't stay too long, but at least we had a good idea of how the ceremony will be.  I wished we had more time to take a walk around the back of the church to see if there were any nice spots for pictures but i guess it'll have to be another time.  
Oh yeah we also got a chance to look through the 6 wedding binders for program samples and only found one other Vietnamese couple getting married there hehe it'll be a nice day :)

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