Saturday, May 7, 2011


Bright and early on a gloomy Saturday morning, Dave picked me up at 7:15 and we drove down the Diocesan Pastoral Center.  

*He was sweet enough to pick up some McDonalds and got all the good stuff - oatmeal, egg mcSausage, mcCafe, and sweet tea* what a great fiance!   
We got there and the parking lot was full!  Went down to the first floor and sign-in, got all our handouts, books, cds, and scantrons then found a seat 4 tables from the back of the hall and settled in for a long day.  The schedule said we'll be there until 4:30. 

First thing on the agenda was the "Foccus- Pre-Married Inventory- Couple Report" it included a minimum of 156 questions and more if you were living together, have different faith, or have been married before.  We were divided to different sides of the room and was given time to answer all the questions.  

I think every couple should fill this out prior to getting engaged because it's a great conversation starter of all the issues you should at least discuss prior to marriage.  Ask Dave about his answers... it's a great story!

After the survey was breakfast: fresh fruits, muffins, coffee, juice, etc. they brought in a catering company to prepare all the meals and snacks for the whole day.  

A professor from USD who is also a family therapist came and talked about strategies to work through arguments.  Then talks about what does marriage mean for the Catholic Church.  What are you really agreeing to when you say your vows.  

Lunch was chicken enchilada, rice, beans and chips. 

More talks.... 

Afternoon break was cookies and ice cream

Finished the day with a little intro of Natural Family Planning.  By 3:45 we were wrapping up and sent on our way.    

My favorite part was getting to spend the whole day with Dave. 

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